CCCA Alopecia Symptoms can be annoying and irritating but there is a way to relive the issue FAST! Itching, burning, pimples, discharge along the hairline, crown of the head, or rear/sides of the scalp are all symptoms of inflammation and an indication that something is not right. While the problem may be fleeting and can often come and go, it needs to be addressed as hair/scalp inflammation can cause hair loss or the spread of hair loss if left untreated.
The thing that is going to be a game changer along with fasting from processed and toxic foods is the LISTERINE RINSE! Take a cap full of Listerine and pour it on the affected area while in the shower. Rinse the area and wash as usual:). Use the African Black Soap Shampoo with Peppermint Oil
and make sure that you condition using the Hair Growth Conditioner! Once you have washed and conditioned your hair and scalp then you use the Hair Growth Oil and massage well into your scalp. Please make sure to note that the symptoms will subside but will go away after 1-2 weeks of use of the Listerine Rinse. You can also use our Scalp Soothing Mist

That has been inspired by the Listerine Rinse. You can use the Scalp Soothing Mist Daily to Help with Scalp Inflammation Symptoms. While it is important to note the topical solutions, it is important to address the internal issues as well. Pumpkin Seed Oil and/or Pumpkin Seeds can and should be consumed to address the internal inflammation within the body along with Biotin.